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Our programme is written by a SEND Specialist teacher and level 7 Careers Advisor. They have developed a three-year curriculum that is highly differentiated, neuro-affirming and strengths-based, whilst covering essential CEIAG topics such as recognising skills and qualities in themselves, understanding job adverts, creating a CV and preparing for an interview.

Each lesson is written with reference to the six areas of learning within the CDI Career Development Framework to ensure coverage of the skills, knowledge and attitudes pupils need to have a positive career.

A ‘positive career’ will mean something different to different people, but it will typically include being happy with the way you spend your time, being able to make a contribution to your community and being able to have a decent standard of living. (CDI 2021)


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The six learning areas from the CDI Framework 2012

Alongside the CDI Framework, reference is also made to the Skills Builder Universal Framework. This tool enables measurement and progress in 8 essential skills that are highly transferable between jobs and places of education.

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Staff will monitor and report on starting points and progress within the 8 essential skills to provide formulative and summative feedback to stakeholders. 

These essential skills provide an excellent base level for the four areas of need identified within the SEND Code of Practice – Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social. Emotional and Mental Health and Sensory and Physical. As a SEND focussed programme, each lesson delivers generic skills aligned to the four areas, this can be further differentiated and specified for particular groups should schools request this.

Activities throughout the programme develop skills in each of the areas of need and therefore the Skills Builder Universal Framework.

In addition, the teaching programme is designed to incorporate opportunity to develop positive mental health, communication skills and knowledge of IT: 



Activities teach self-awareness of abilities and needs, to improve students self-confidence and advocacy.

Students develop confidence in 1:1 and group communications, and in sharing their own needs and ideas.

Tutors enable students to consider every pathway available to them, and to consider strength-based descriptions of the skills and qualities they hold.

Sessions incorporate the use of a range of technologies to increase user confidence and digital skills in preparation for work. Lessons are delivered through Google classrooms and incorporate web research, live polls and creating word clouds to share ideas.

Our sessions are planned and resourced to deliver the ultimate package for SEND students. Our advisors meet with commissioners to fine tune the resources to ensure they meet the needs of the group prior to the programme starting.

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